# Docker Compose Ops (dc-ops) `dc-ops` is a shell script designed to operations automate the local building and updating of several Docker services. It aims to simplify continuous delivery (CD) processes and infrastructure management in a Docker environment. ## How does it work? * The script iterates through each line of the `stacklist` file, skipping comments * It fetches the latest changes from the remote git repository and checks if there are new commits * If there is a change it pulls the updates from the remote git repository, otherwise the entry is skipped * Following this, it runs `docker compose up` which builds, (re)creates and starts the containers The `stacklist` file can list either a directory containing a `docker-compose.yml` file or a precise `docker-compose` file. (see `stacklist.example`) ## Usage 1. Ensure that your 'stacklist' file is up-to-date 2. Run the script manually or create a crontab entry